About 800 Words
A recently widowed father, quits his job as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney newspaper. Over the internet he buys a house on an impulse in a remote New Zealand seaside town.
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Episode One
Episode 101George Turner’s plan to kick-start his family back into life by shifting them all across the Tasman to the town of Weld, New Zealand, does not get off to an ideal start.
Episode Two
Episode 102It is fight or flee time for the Turner family as faulty plumbing and poorly chosen words sees the town of Weld rise up against their new Australian imports.
Episode Three
Episode 103When George goes on the offensive, tracking down the source of a scurrilous rumor about him, what he learns changes everything between him and the women of Weld.
Episode Four
Episode 104As he gets to grips with his status as the new ladies’ man about town George is dragged into a celebration (or not) of Weld’s x-rated history.
Episode Five
Episode 105When the earth moves under George’s feet, the opportunity for him to slay a demon from his past presents itself – and leads to the issuing of a very rash challenge.
Episode Six
Episode 106George throws himself into solving the mystery of Sir Frederick Weld’s missing head – when he should be solving a whole other mystery, one much closer to home.
Episode Seven
Episode 107George struggles with the realization that while he was looking the other way this whole other world was going on – a world he is so not qualified to deal with.
Episode Eight
Episode 108George Turner brought his family to the town of Weld, New Zealand, in search of a new life. That life is now in ruins. So where to now, George?