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Game Day Baby

No airings scheduled.

Episode Details

In this $100,000 award show, clips include “Recovery Room Rambler,” in which a daughter wakes up from surgery disoriented from the anesthesia but full of funny comments; “Pregnancy Taste Test,” where a young girl accidentally places a used pregnancy test in her mouth, thinking it’s a thermometer; “Game Day Baby,” in which a baby naps next to his father during football games, but when he hears his father cheering, he reacts too, shooting his arms up — while still napping; “Howl Be There,” in which a 10-year-old dog hears his name being called and responds with a unique sound, a piercing howl; “Funny Phone Face,” featuring a boy’s oh so adorable exaggerated reaction to the sound of an old-school cordless phone; and “Birthday Candle Recount,” in which, during a family birthday celebration, the 5-year-old birthday girl immediately notices that Grandma and Grandpa only placed four candles on the cake. “

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