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More from Your Move with Andy Stanley Season 7
Browse All EpisodesThe Better Question
Episode 702The new year is all about making ourselves better people. In this episode, Andy suggests becoming a better person by doing something to make the world a better place.
Something to Show for It
Episode 703If you want to become a better person, do something this year to make the world a better place. In this episode, Andy discusses how to determine what that something should be.
Episode 704Making the world a better place means giving up time, money, or opportunities. But what if that's the only way to live a life of purpose and meaning?
Address the Mess
Episode 705Something we all have in common is making messes of our lives at one time or another. In this episode, Andy reveals the silver lining of this fact.
Address the Mess (Part 2)
Episode 706In this episode, Andy explains how the messes we make of our lives can bring us closer to God.
Address the Mess (Part 3)
Episode 707It's a misconception that Christianity is about staying out of trouble. In this episode, Andy discusses the flaw in this belief.
Address the Mess (Part 4)
Episode 708The messes in our lives are rarely solved with quick, simple fixes. In this episode, Andy introduces a better approach.
See the World
Episode 709We all have limited resources. In this episode, Andy explains that how we see the world affects how we use our money.
See the World (Part 2)
Episode 710How does God view time? In this episode, Andy argues that if we saw time how God does, it might affect the way we use our own.
What Makes You Happy (Part 1)
Episode 711We all dream of a trouble-free life made possible by something. In this episode, Andy asks the question of what really makes people happy.
What Makes You Happy (Part 2)
Episode 712Sometimes it seems that happiness and holiness are mutually exclusive. In this episode, Andy explains why the opposite is true.
What Makes You Happy (Part 3)
Episode 713If your goal is happiness, no amount of money alone will ever be enough. In this episode, Andy explains how the way you view money can actually help you find peace.