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More from Your Move with Andy Stanley Season 2
Browse All EpisodesStarting Over (Part 3)
Episode 203Sometimes we look at our pasts and our decisions don't even make sense to us. In this episode, Andy explains how to transform your thinking.
Starting Over (Part 4)
Episode 204How do you get past the stuff other people have done to turn your life upside down? In this episode, Andy explains how to release the past.
Love, Sex & Dating (Part 1)
Episode 205When I meet the right person, everything will be all right. This way of thinking creates trouble in our dating lives and sets us up for trouble in marriage. In this message, Andy challenges us to ask ourselves Am I the person the person I'm looking for is looking for? And he previews God's list of behaviors that will lead to success in dating and marriage.
Love, Sex & Dating (Part 2)
Episode 206Are the Bible's teachings about women relevant? In this message, Andy explains that Jesus' teachings about honoring women were extremely counter-cultural in the first century. They remain so today. So Christian men especially need to transform their thinking. And there are two simple steps to start with.
Love, Sex & Dating (Part 3)
Episode 207Culture convinces us - and sometimes we convince ourselves - that sex is only physical. But if that is true, why is the pain of sexual sin so deep? Because sex is not just physical. It was designed by God to be so much more. In this message, Andy addresses common myths about sex outside of marriage and has two specific challenges going forward.
Love, Sex & Dating (Part 4)
Episode 208You can say, "I do." But can you follow through? A promise - even a promise as big as a wedding vow - doesn't mean anything without preparation to back it up. In this message, Andy has a "to do" list that will prepare you to one day say "I do" and mean it.
When God (Part 1)
Episode 209In Letters To The Next President, Andy Stanley extracts three extraordinary leadership principles from the stories of three ancient political leaders: a Babylonian king, a Judean governor, and an Egyptian pharaoh. As you listen, you will discover that these leadership lessons are not just applicable to those who hold public office, but to leaders everywhere. Whether your leadership context is home, business, team, or classroom, these three principles will help you maximize your leadership potential.
When God (Part 2)
Episode 210In Letters To The Next President, Andy Stanley extracts three extraordinary leadership principles from the stories of three ancient political leaders: a Babylonian king, a Judean governor, and an Egyptian pharaoh. As you listen, you will discover that these leadership lessons are not just applicable to those who hold public office, but to leaders everywhere. Whether your leadership context is home, business, team, or classroom, these three principles will help you maximize your leadership potential.
When God (Part 3)
Episode 211In Letters To The Next President, Andy Stanley extracts three extraordinary leadership principles from the stories of three ancient political leaders: a Babylonian king, a Judean governor, and an Egyptian pharaoh. As you listen, you will discover that these leadership lessons are not just applicable to those who hold public office, but to leaders everywhere. Whether your leadership context is home, business, team, or classroom, these three principles will help you maximize your leadership potential.
Taking Responsibility (Part 1)
Episode 212Where does it come from? We know it's there. Irresponsibility runs rampant, and what does it even mean to be responsible? Deep down, we all know that irresponsibility creates conflict. If that is really something we can change, shouldn't we? Let the blames begin.
Taking Responsibility (Part 2)
Episode 213You probably haven't thought about the Archimedes Principle in years, but it's still true. Basically, it explains the buoyancy of water. When leveraged, ships float. When ignored, they sink. The same holds true with the nature of responsibility. If we leverage it, the outcome is a gift. If we ignore it, the outcome seems like a punishment. So how do we make the most of responsibility?
Taking Responsibility (Part 3)
Episode 214"Let me pray about it" has somehow become our "get out of responsibility free" card. When faced with difficult, on-your-feet situations, we make excuses that sound prayerful and honest. But what if the time for prayer passes and you're still not moving? What if action is what's needed and you're still waiting? What if someone told you, "Don't just kneel there, do something!"? It's time for some action. This is no time to pray.
Taking Responsibility (Part 4)
Episode 215Life isn't fair. When we draw the short straw, were quick to point that out. We're quick to come up with excuses and deny the responsibilities we've been given, whether we've received much in life or very little. But the truth is, it's not about how unfair life is, it's really about how we respond. We don't get to choose what opportunities come our way, but we do get to choose our responses. Your response ability is up to you.
The Thrill of Hope (Part 1)
Episode 216Do you remember as a child what it was like enduring those days before Christmas? It was that anticipation that made Christmas, Christmas. The first Christmas was no different. Listen and learn why.
The Thrill of Hope (Part 2)
Episode 217Do you know how much God loves you? Have you found your place in his story? In this message, Andy explains what God did to bring you into his family and to make his story your story.
A Random Christmas
Episode 218The ingredients in the Christmas story seem kind of random: an order from Caesar, a pregnant virgin, an angelic announcement, three wise men, and no room at the inn. Some of the circumstances you may be dealing with this year aren’t exactly what you’d want in your story either. In this message, Andy challenges us to respond to the seemingly random curve balls in our lives the same way Mary reacted to the curve ball thrown at her.
Uncomplicating Christmas
Episode 219Christmas is complicated enough. There are presents to pick, parking spots to find, and family dynamics to navigate. But the story of Christmas shouldn't be complicated. In this message, Andy Stanley unpacks the bottom line of Christmas. And it's a bottom line that is truly "good news."
This One Thing
Episode 220We all make resolutions. We all break resolutions. But if we're really honest, there is something in each of our lives—a habit, a relationship, a debt—that deserves our attention this year. In this message, Andy shares a story that can be the key to finally accomplishing the one thing we all need to put our minds to this year.
Opening The Books (Part 1)
Episode 221Are you financially balanced? Do you know where your money goes each month? Do you and your spouse argue about money? Does your month last longer than your money? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be financially unbalanced. In this series, Andy reveals the steps you need to take to achieve the freedom and contentment that comes with being financially balanced.
Reading The Fine Print – Part 2
Episode 222What is your primary objective when it comes to your personal finances? Supporting a family? Saving as much as possible? Financial freedom? Andy explores what will bring you the most peace. It just might surprise you.
Back In The Black – Part 3
Episode 223Auto leases, credit cards, student loans, and second mortgages take our money, our attention, and our freedom. In this message, Andy shares how to handle personal debt and takes a hard look at making the necessary corrections to get to where we need to be.
Creating A New Line Item – Part 4
Episode 224Do you want less anxiety in the arena of your finances? Of course you do. But our culture teaches that your value is based on the accumulation of stuff. The more you amass before you die, the more successful it appears your life has been. Andy presents a different perspective—one that will keep you from buying into our culture’s lies.
Managing Your Expenses – Part 5
Episode 225Do you struggle with discontentment? If you do, there's a reason. In this message, Andy explains why your appetite for more never gets satisfied. Once you understand that and you apply the principles Andy presents, you'll be able to find the contentment you desire.