Your Move with Andy Stanley, Episode 503
Four Questions for Better Decisions: “Pay Attention to the Tension”
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Episode Details
We all face decisions in life that leave us feeling a bit uneasy. So, how do we make the right decision when what we’re considering feels wrong?
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More from Your Move with Andy Stanley Season 5
Browse All EpisodesYour Best Year Yet
Episode 500What are you holding on to that’s holding you back? Could this be the year you finally let it go?
Four Questions for Better Decisions: “Really”
Episode 501“What was I thinking?” We’ve all asked ourselves that question at some point. So, how do we avoid making decisions that become regrets?
This One Thing
Episode 501We all make resolutions. We all break resolutions. Something in each of our lives deserves our attention—a habit, a relationship, a debt. In this message, Andy Stanley gives us the key to finally tackling our "one thing."
Every decision we make becomes a permanent part of the story of our lives. But how do we keep that in mind when our emotions threaten to get the best of us?
We all face decisions in life that leave us feeling a bit uneasy. So, how do we make the right decision when what we’re considering feels wrong?
Good decisions lead to fewer regrets in life. But could embracing a greater purpose change the way we approach every decision?
When dating, it’s easy to believe that finding the right person and saying the right vows will solve everything. Maybe it’s time we debunk those myths.
Comparison Trap Part 1
Episode 506The labels people put on you could cause you to miss God's plan for you
Episode 506The Bible is not the foundation of the Christian faith. In this episode, Andy argues that it's better than that.
Love, Dates & Heartbreaks: “The Fine Print”
Episode 506The idea of finding love is often more exciting than actually preparing for it. But could our preparation be the very thing that helps us win the relationship we’ve always wanted?
Comparison Trap Part 2
Episode 507Get out of debt, stay out of bed, clean out your closet. (Debt, sex, and your dysfunction)
Love, Dates & Heartbreaks: “Grown up Love”
Episode 507Countless love stories and fairy tales focus on people finding love and living happily ever after. But how do we navigate relationships in the real world?
Comparison Trap Part 3
Episode 508Pray together, out loud, on a regular basis. If you resist this, lean into it and figure out why. Couples that pray together stay together ( 1 out of 10,000 get divorced)
Dating is complicated. But does it really have to be?
Follow Part 1
Episode 509"The longer you live, the more you have to give. Invest your time in those coming along behind. The value of your life is determined by how much of it you give away. (what are you going to do with the treausre that is you) what you will value the most are the lives you have shaped"
Love, Dates & Heartbreaks: “Groundhog Date”
Episode 509When it comes to relationships, how do we make sure we’re learning from our past mistakes instead of repeating them?
We all have hopes and dreams, but what are we supposed to do when our hearts are broken and it seems like our dreams can’t come true?
We all end up somewhere in life. Why not end up somewhere on purpose?
What do you do when you realize there’s a gap between where you are in life and where you want to be?
When you realize you’ve lost your way, whom do you trust to lead you in the right direction?
Distractions. Temptations. We’ve all got ‘em. But when emotions threaten to lead us astray, how do we keep our focus on what’s most important?
Fear Less
Episode 515While it’s impossible to be fearless, we can all fear less. But where do we start?
The Secret to Contentment
Episode 516There's always going to be someone who seems smarter, richer, or funnier than us. So how do we avoid the endless cycle of comparison and competition?
Me & My Big Mouth: “Quick to Listen”
Episode 517We all want to be right, especially in the heat of an argument. But instead of settling for being right, what if we made things right?
Me & My Big Mouth: “Untamable”
Episode 518With just a few words, you can build someone up or tear them down. But how do you keep that in mind when holding your tongue is the last thing you want to do?
Me & My Big Mouth: “According to Code”
Episode 519Words have power. The words spoken about you and to you have shaped the person you are today. So, how do you use this power for good?
Me & My Big Mouth: “Right Where You Want ‘Em”
Episode 520What goes around often comes around. When we find ourselves in positions of power over the people who have hurt us, how will we respond?
What To Do When There’s Nothing You Can Do: “What To Do When There’s Nothing You Can Do”
Episode 521When life offers no good options and no perfect answers, what are you left with? And more importantly, how do you move forward?
A Road Map for Life
Episode 522Along the road of life, we all pick up some baggage. But how do you keep the ghosts of your past from showing up in your future?
What do you want for yourself? Is it a what? Is it a who? And are you sure it’s what you really want?
This Human Race
Episode 524Perhaps nothing characterized the life of Jesus more than his pursuit of people whose lives and lifestyles did not look like his. If we fail to listen to people who don't experience the world the way we do, we will never bear their burden.
In a world characterized by short-term desires, how do we prioritize what we care about most?
If you could choose, how would you want people to describe you? Your answer just might help you uncover what you really value.
Ever feel like you’re constantly chasing the next thing? Getting what you really want in life begins with examining what you ultimately value.
Who Needs God: “Atheist 2.0”
Episode 528Once upon a time, Americans believed religion offered solutions. Today, many believe religion is the problem. In the twenty-first century, do we really need God?
Who Needs God: “Gods of the No Testament”
Episode 529What if the God you walked away from never existed to begin with?
Who Needs God: “The Bible Told Me So”
Episode 530Many people are taught to believe that “if the Bible says it, that settles it.” But what do you do when that argument no longer cuts it?
Who Needs God: “The God of Jesus”
Episode 531If we’ve always assumed God is something he’s not, how can we know who he really is?
Who Needs God: “Who Defines Justice?”
Episode 532We all want to rid the world of injustice. But who gets to define what’s just?
Who Needs God: “I Do”
Episode 533We all want to be the masters of our own destinies. But what if autonomy is an illusion?
Is it possible to disagree with someone politically and yet love them unconditionally?
When Religion Meets Politics: “Choosing Sides”
Episode 535Churches and faith communities aren’t immune to political divisiveness. So how, and why, should Christians from both sides of the aisle pursue unity?
The unity and diversity of first-century Jesus followers shocked and intrigued the ancient world. How can modern-day Christians follow their lead?
In the Meantime: “The New Normal”
Episode 537When you find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless, it’s easy to become angry, resentful, or jealous. How do you find the strength to move forward?
In the Meantime: “A Purpose and a Promise”
Episode 538What’s the secret to being happy no matter your circumstances?
In the Meantime: “Yes, You Can”
Episode 539What do you do when life feels out of control? Is there a way to discover contentment in your most difficult circumstances?
Leading Through: “Leading Through Uncertainty”
Episode 540Now, more than ever, the world needs leaders. How do you lead the way forward when you've entered uncharted territory?
Leading Through: “Leading with Moral Authority”
Episode 541The people who have the most influence in our lives often have little to no official authority over us. Yet when they speak, we listen. When they lead, we follow. What do they have that sets them apart? And how can we leverage it in our leadership?
Leading Through: “Leading with Clarity”
Episode 542Whether you’re a leader in the boardroom or the living room, people look to you for certainty. But when that’s no longer an option, you can still offer them the next best thing.
Leading Through: “Leading with Empathy”
Episode 543During times of uncertainty and disruption, the people around us need to know we care. How do we lead with empathy and compassion?
Leaders are everywhere—in government, in the community, at the office, and in our homes. But the ones worth following are those who first learn to lead themselves well.
Pack Your Bags: “Now And Then”
Episode 545Life is full of change. When you’re faced with a transition in life, how do you prepare for what’s next?
Pack Your Bags: “Praying Ahead”
Episode 546Sometimes you know what’s coming next—a graduation, a new job, a wedding, a new baby, or a retirement. But even when you know what’s next, how do you make sure you’re prepared for what’s next?
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