Episode Details
What happens after “I do”? How could the person to whom a woman gave her deepest vow become the person she despises most? How could the beautiful woman a man couldn’t stay away from become the person he can’t stand to be around? In this message, Andy exposes the real reason we fall out of love.
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More from Your Move with Andy Stanley Season 3
Browse All EpisodesBreathing Room (Part 1)
Episode 301Busy lives make it easy to lose sight of what's important. In this episode, Andy explains why life is better with breathing room.
Breathing Room (Part 2)
Episode 302Sometimes we can't enjoy anything because we're trying to do everything. In this episode, Andy explains the value of limiting what you do with your limited time.
Crazy Like Us (Part 2)
Episode 305Generosity requires a plan. In this episode, Andy explains two gauges that will help you decide where and how much to give.
Developing A Plan – Part 6
Episode 306When it comes to spending, we often put ourselves first. This can wreak havoc on our personal finances. In the last of this 6-part series, Andy explains why it is in your best interest to re-prioritize your money in a way that will bring you the freedom and peace you desire.
Light of the World (Part 1)
Episode 306For many, the Christmas season is complicated. But no matter your circumstances, Christmas can be a reminder of light overcoming darkness.
Staying In Love Part 1
Episode 307It's never been easier to fall in love and it's never been harder to stay in love. Is it even possible for two people to be happy together—forever? In this message, Andy reveals a simple, yet powerful principle.
Light of the World (Part 2)
Episode 307In this episode, Andy explains that there's a light that can cut through doubt, anger, shame, and disappointment with God.
Staying In Love Part 2
Episode 308Do you remember what it felt like to fall in love? How you would do anything for that person? What happens to those feelings? Falling in love comes naturally. But staying in love requires a plan. In this message, Andy shares a blueprint for maintaining, and even growing, the love in your marriage.
Light of the World (Part 3)
Episode 308In this episode, Andy shares the Christmas story and the potential for making it personal.
Staying In Love Part 3
Episode 309What happens after "I do”? How could the person to whom a woman gave her deepest vow become the person she despises most? How could the beautiful woman a man couldn't stay away from become the person he can't stand to be around? In this message, Andy exposes the real reason we fall out of love.
You’ll Be Glad You Did
Episode 309In this episode, Andy gives advice on the topics of debt, sexual choices, and self-improvement.
Fear Not
Episode 310What if it were possible not to fear? In this episode, Andy explains how not to be afraid even when there's something to be afraid of.
Staying In Love Part 4
Episode 310What's different about people who stay in love? What’s their secret, their magic formula? How do they bridge the gap between expectations and reality? Watch this message to find out.
Age Of Kings Part 1
Episode 311History is full of powerful kings who refused to listen to a higher power. They repeatedly chose to put their desires first. In this message, Andy Stanley tells the story of King Zedekiah and explains the tough, but necessary lesson we can learn from his life.
Worry Not
Episode 311The future is uncertain and sometimes scary. In this episode, Andy explains how to develop a habit of not worrying.
Doubt Not
Episode 312Doubt is normal, but it doesn't have to overwhelm you. In this episode, Andy introduces a question that can help you put doubt in its place.
Red Letter Prayers Part 1
Episode 312Prayer is just talking to God, right? What if prayer is more than just talking? In this message, Andy Stanley unpacks a life-changing answer to the request, "Lord, teach us to pray."
Nick and Joe Save Easter
Episode 313The Easter story hinged on two unlikely characters—Nick and Joe. In this message, Andy tells the story of Nick and Joe’s boldness in the face of great personal risk. The Easter story might never have made it out of the first century without them!
New Rules for Love, Sex and Dating, The
Episode 313In this episode, Andy is interviewed on the topics of love, sex, and dating.
Christian Part 1
Episode 314Have you ever been hurt by someone who calls himself a “Christian”? “Christian” is a brand that can have a good, bad, attractive, or repelling connotation. It’s a loaded label no matter whom you ask. But where did the word come from? And did it come with instructions? In this message, Andy reexamines the meaning of “Christian.” The meaning may surprise you.
Ask It (Part 1)
Episode 314Should I stay or go? Buy it or not? In this episode, Andy Stanley introduces a question that makes the answers to other questions easy.
Christian Part 2
Episode 315The words used to describe Christians today often bear no resemblance to the one word Jesus wanted his followers to be known for. In this message, Andy challenges us to change the name and reputation of Christianity by becoming a group of followers characterized by that one word.
Ask It (Part 2)
Episode 315There are three types of people who lack wisdom...and who need it. In this episode, Andy Stanley talks about finding wisdom.
Christian Part 3
Episode 316Do you ever wonder how Christianity grew? Without intending to, Christianity toppled the Roman Empire. And it did so without raising a sword. What was the secret of the early church’s influence? In this message, Andy Stanley reveals the secret—and a lesson for us in how we act toward others.
Ask It (Part 3)
Episode 316The time you have on earth is one thing you can't make more of and you can't control. In this episode, Andy Stanley explains how to make the most of it.
Christian Part 4
Episode 317Life is full of ups and downs and everyone struggles sometimes. But do you think you could still be influential even in the struggle? You may be surprised to find that you have more influence than you thought.
Christian Part 5
Episode 318Jesus loved everyone. He ate with tax collectors and was kind to adulterers. His disciples struggled and we still struggle today to understand his extraordinary love. In this message, Andy Stanley unwraps the two ingredients that made Jesus’ love revolutionary—the secret of the most irresistible message ever delivered.
Christian Part 6
Episode 319Do you believe that you have to earn forgiveness? In this message, Andy recounts one of the most famous parables which has a message for all of us. And it's a message that will give us lots of reasons to celebrate.
Christian Part 7
Episode 320Looking for loopholes comes naturally. Whether it's eating all of our vegetables or being home by curfew, no one has to teach us that there is a difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. In this message, Andy Stanley gives us a question to ask ourselves when we'd rather look for the loopholes than live as God intends.
Christian Part 8
Episode 321The person you are has been shaped by those who have loved you and also by those who have hurt you. Maybe it was your mom or your dad or your coach or a teacher. In this message, Andy Stanley reminds us that the way we treat one another has a lasting impact.
Guardrails Part 1
Episode 322Guardrails are everywhere. They don’t get much attention until somebody hits one and a life is saved. In Part 1 of this series, Andy Stanley discusses the need for personal guardrails to help direct and protect our lives.
Guardrails Part 2
Episode 323Your friends will determine the quality and direction of your life. Chances are, your biggest regrets involved friends. In Part 2 of Guardrails, Andy Stanley offers several guardrails to keep your friendships from leading you into danger.
Guardrails Part 3
Episode 324We live in a culture that tends to flirt with the guardrails instead of fleeing from them. In Part 3 of Guardrails, Andy Stanley unpacks some practical guidelines for married and single people to help them avoid peril.
Guardrails Part 4
Episode 325Setting up guardrails in your life is easier said than done. In Part 4 of Guardrails, see how Andy and Sandra Stanley have been intentional in establishing guardrails to protect themselves in their relationships, finances, professionally, and more.
Crazy Like Us (Part 1)
Episode 337We all worry about money. In this episode, Andy explains a simple shift in perspective that can free you from financial worries.
What Makes You Happy (Part 4)
Episode 356Why is it so easy to make decisions that hurt us in the long run? In this episode, Andy explains that it has to do with the distinction between pleasure and happiness.
What Makes You Happy (Part 5)
Episode 357It's easy to make life all about ourselves. In this episode, Andy explains why life is much better when it's not all about you.
Who Needs God (Part 1)
Episode 358Americans are migrating away from religion at an unprecedented rate; Christianity in particular. Once upon a time Americans believed religion offered solutions. Today, religion is viewed by many as the problem.
Who Needs God (Part 2)
Episode 359Do you have religious doubts? When your prayers go unanswered, do you wonder if God exists? Does science make God seem unnecessary? Before you abandon your faith, consider this: What if the god you’re walking away from never existed to begin with?
Who Needs God (Part 3)
Episode 360Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Should we really believe something just because the bible tells us so? Andy explains in this episode.
Who Needs God (Part 4)
Episode 361Are you caught up in doubt because you’ve been trying to find peace with your understanding of God? If the idea of God has lost its appeal, in this episode Andy explains that it could be because you’ve mixed him up with a gaggle of gods that don’t exist.
Who Needs God (Part 5)
Episode 362We all want to rid the world of injustice. But we can only recognize injustice if we know what justice is to begin with. We don’t always agree about what is just. So, who gets to define justice? We'll talk about it in this latest episode.
Who Needs God (Part 6)
Episode 363The idea of autonomy is attractive. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God is that we don't want to need anyone. But what if the idea of autonomy is really the illusion of autonomy?
Breathing Room (Part 1)
Episode 364Busy lives make it easy to lose sight of what's important. In this episode, Andy explains why life is better with breathing room.
Breathing Room (Part 2)
Episode 365Sometimes we can't enjoy anything because we're trying to do everything. In this episode, Andy explains the value of limiting what you do with your limited time.
Breathing Room (Part 3)
Episode 366We often think that a higher standard of living equals a better quality of life. In this episode, Andy explains the big difference between the two.
Breathing Room (Part 4)
Episode 367What do you do when your work life is so full you don't have time for the people who matter most? In this episode, Andy talks about creating breathing room for relationships.
Your Move (Part 2)
Episode 369Every decision you make becomes a permanent part of the story of your life. In this episode, Andy explains how to make your story one you want to tell.
Your Move (Part 3)
Episode 370Have you ever needed to make a big decision quickly? In this episode, Andy reveals a question that can bring clarity to the options you're considering
Your Move (Part 4)
Episode 371Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than it seems? In this episode, Andy explains how life is better when lived for a greater purpose.
Work It
Episode 372Your job matters. The people you work with matter. What you do matters. In this episode, Andy looks at how to go the extra mile and make a difference in the marketplace.
I Owe Who
Episode 373Gratitude and ingratitude are relationally determinative. In this episode, Andy explains the value of closing the loop with people who have influenced you.
How to be Drama Free
Episode 374All of life is connected. In this episode, Andy explains how to be wise with our time today in order to create a drama-free life in the future.
Starting Over (Part 1)
Episode 376What do you do when your life falls apart? In this episode, Andy explains how to pick up the pieces.
Starting Over (Part 2)
Episode 377You can't blame your way into a better future. In this episode, Andy explains how to own your part of your past so it doesn't own you.
Starting Over (Part 3)
Episode 378Your Move with Andy Stanley (New TV-G): Starting Over: “Rethink It” Sometimes we look at our pasts and our decisions don't even make sense to us. In this episode, Andy explains how to transform your thinking.
Starting Over (Part 4)
Episode 379How do you get past the stuff other people have done to turn your life upside down? In this episode, Andy explains how to release the past.
Skin in the Game
Episode 380Growth and healing almost always start with a conversation. In this episode, Andy hosts a raw and candid conversation about race, racism, and faith.
How to Get What You Really Want (Part 1)
Episode 381What is it that you want for yourself? Is it a what? Is it a who? Maybe it’s a state of mind. Are you sure it’s what you really want? In this episode, Andy helps us figure out our answers to those questions.
How to Get What you Really Want (Part 2)
Episode 382We’ll never get what we really want until we discover what is most valuable. But what if the road to discovering what’s valuable doesn’t come naturally?
How to Get What You Really Want (Part 3)
Episode 383What do you really want? We’ll never get what we really want until we discover what is most valuable. In this episode, Andy helps us figure out what it is that we ultimately value.
How to Get What You Really Want (Part 4)
Episode 384What we naturally want is often in conflict with what we ultimately value. So, how do we put aside those natural wants and pursue what we ultimately value?
Pack Your Bags (Part 1)
Episode 385Life is full of change. Transitions can be both exciting and stressful. That’s because we can’t see into the future to see what comes next. But what if there was a way to prepare? What if we could do something now to influence where we end up?
Pack Your Bags (Part 2)
Episode 386Sometimes you know what’s coming next—a graduation, a wedding, a new baby, a new job, or retirement. But there’s no correlation between knowing what’s next and being prepared for what’s next. In this episode, Andy explains how to prepare for the season ahead.
Fear Less
Episode 387While it’s impossible to be fearless, we can all fear less. In this episode, Andy explains some practical ways we can all fear less.
Crazy Like Us (Part 1)
Episode 388We tend to measure generosity by random acts of giving. In this episode, Andy makes a case for generosity as a lifestyle.
Crazy Like Us (Part 2)
Episode 389We all worry about money. In this episode, Andy explains a simple shift in perspective that can free you from financial worries.
Crazy Like Us (Part 3)
Episode 390Generosity requires a plan. In this episode, Andy explains two gauges that will help you decide where and how much to give.
Light of the World (Part 1)
Episode 392For many, the Christmas season is complicated. But no matter your circumstances, Christmas can be a reminder of light overcoming darkness.
Light of the World (Part 2)
Episode 393In this episode, Andy explains that there's a light that can cut through doubt, anger, shame, and disappointment with God.
Light of the World (Part 3)
Episode 394In this episode, Andy shares the Christmas story and why many people believe it.
You’ll Be Glad You Did
Episode 395In this episode, Andy gives advice on the topics of debt, sexual choices, and self-improvement.
Re: Solution: “The Better Question”
Episode 396The new year is all about making ourselves better people. In this episode, Andy suggests becoming a better person by doing something to make the world a better place.
Re: Solution: “Something to Show for It”
Episode 397If you want to become a better person, do something this year to make the world a better place. In this episode, Andy discusses how to determine what that something should be.
Re Solution: “Pro-Motion”
Episode 398Making the world a better place means giving up time, money, or opportunities. But what if that's the only way to live a life of purpose and meaning?
Heroes: “All-Access Pass”
Episode 399A hero saves the day, and sometimes a hero saves the planet. That makes heroism seem inaccessible to most of us. But with a single question, we can access our heroic potential.